This is the directory for everything related to my pokemon AU's Mainverse, Flareverse and my currently unnamed third verse, Please keep in mind not all of the links will work as i'm still trying to get stuff together for each tag, If you have any questions about anything in my verses just ask..
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Kanto Fankids
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Unova Fankids
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Alola Fankids
Galar Fankids
Orre Fankids
Hisui Fankids
Paldea Fankids
Fiore Fankids
Almia Fankids
Oblivia Fankids
Ferrum Fankids
Pasio Fankids
Lental Fankids
Aeos Island Fankids
Vefriren Fankids
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Kanto Adults
Johto Adults
Hoenn Adults
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Unova Adults
Kalos Adults
Alola Adults
Galar Adults
Orre Adults
Paldea Adults
Fiore Adults
Almia Adults
Oblivia Adults
Ferrum Adults
Pasio Adults
Lental Adults
Aeos Island Adults
Vefriren Adults
Adult Ships